2023 Thoroughfare Plan Update Online Survey

(This survey is now closed for comment)

What is the purpose of this project?

League City is updating its Mobility Plan and is seeking stakeholder input on key issues and needs for the development of its roadway network. 

This Plan will incorporate adopted municipal, county, regional, and state planning initiatives, and will serve as a framework for the update and guide decision-makers in the long-term implementation of mobility and transportation investments within League City. 

Emphasis will be placed on the local roadway network and its ability to adequately support future growth and development.

The updated Mobility Plan will:

  • Clarify the general location and alignment of existing and future roadways. 
  • Define general design standards for all roadway classes.
  • Identify near and long-term safety and mobility improvements,
  • Coordinate with other agencies on system alignment and connectivity,
  • Program transportation improvements and identify potential funding strategies.
  • Develop a policy document to educate and inform key stakeholders and the general public. 

How can you get involved?

We need your help!

Please take a few minutes to complete our Mobility Survey and Interactive Map activities below!

Mobility Survey

Closed for comment

Interactive Map

Closed for comment

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